**warpcore.org** At the core of classic gaming and development since 1997[^established] Hey folks, we're back after a long hiatus. Excuse the stray pixels here and there while we get things up and running. From time to time, we hope to share with you bits and pieces from our collection of wonders and oddities to pique your interest and amuse you. Games ============================================================== Descent -------------------------------------------------------------- [Descent][descentwiki] is a true 3-D, [six degrees of freedom][6dof] game developed by [Parallax Software](https://www.dsvolition.com) and released by [Interplay](https://interplay.com) in 1995.  While Doom introduced the world to rip and tear, through a first-person, action 3-D shooter--one game was the first to add a whole new dimension to 3-D worlds: Descent. No fireballs, giblet piles, or lurking demonic beings here -- just dark, twisting mines filled with mining robots gone mad. What's a person to do? Hire a mercenary of course: you, the Material Defender. No up or down, Descent whips you about in a labyrinthine environment with free range of movement on every axis. Plunge through mines, blast your way through virus-infected robots, and try to avoid vertigo at every turn. Your author was lost in the mines well before taking a trip to Phobos, and it's a trip not soon forgotten.  1995 was a long time ago, but fear not Material Defender, if you want to get lost in the mines too, there's still hope, Descent's still available from the fine folks at [gog.com](https://www.gog.com/game/descent). However, if your Pyro-GX got chucked into the nearest star, don't worry, Descent lives on through its true spiritual successor in the form of [Overload](https://playoverload.com/). Easy money, right? ### Community Looking for friends, stories, and more? * https://www.descentbb.net/ * https://www.descentbb.com/ * https://www.gog.com/forum/descent_series * https://sectorgame.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=18 ### Levels Hungry for some action? Ready to test your mad skills? * https://www.enspiar.com/dmdb/ * https://archive.org/details/DescentLevels * http://pooterman.com/ * https://sectorgame.com/d3/ [^established]: At least, in some parallel universe. [6dof]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_degrees_of_freedom [descentwiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Descent_(1995_video_game)